In March 2020, the QuadPara Association of South Africa (QASA) started publishing the Rolling Inspiration magazine inhouse. Before its first issue could go into production, COVID-19 and the national lockdown hit. All printing was halted.
To ensure the publication still offers value to its readers, QASA published its “Quarantine” edition, which was an online-only edition. In September, the third issue was published, and the fourth issue of the year will soon be posted.
Unfortunately, Rolling Inspiration was unable to recover from the delays at the start of the year. With two issues missed in 2020, the team has decided to extend all subscriptions to December 2021 to ensure our readers get the full value of their subscription.
If you subscribed in 2020, you only need to renew your subscription for print or digital in 2022. Reminders will be issued.
For more questions or concerns, please contact Rolling Inspiration at