In the first issue of 2021, we introduce INMED South Africa on its Aquaponics system, which combines fish farming with hydroponic farming. The system has empowered small scale farmers – many of whom are people with disabilities – to reap a bigger harvest and empower their communities.
Mary Mkithika, a paraplegic farmer from Kroonstad, is one of the many beneficiaries. She notes about farming: “We would have no life without farming. It is better to work on your own in order to face your life, including poverty. Farming sustains us and gives us some security.”
Read more about the programme in our Issue 1 of 2021.
Also in this issue, George Louw explores the challenges and solutions for bowel management, Mandy Latimore visits the Durban promenade and Heinrich Grimsehl explains the dangers of Dr Google. We also debunk some COVID-19 vaccine myths and interview inter-able couples.
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