Hike, bike or roll for Hope

Rolling Inspiration
2 Min Read

Depression has increased by 18,4 percent over the past 10 years, says the World Health Organization, and is the world’s largest single cause of disability. Globally, depression is currently the third-largest disease. By 2020 – just three years away – it will be the second-largest. By 2030, it is expected to be the largest.

One of the ways to tackle this condition, which is essentially one of hopelessness, is to recognise symptoms early so as to obtain medical and psychological help. Depression is an illness, not a weakness.

Join the Hope Hike and Bike to help raise awareness of depression. Hosted at Van Gaalen, Skeerpoort, on October 29, the Hope Hike has a short route for wheelchair users, specifically designed to support Erik Schipper.

Erik is the developer of the MTB trails and beautiful routes starting at Van Gaalen’s and meandering along the slopes of the Magaliesberg. He broke his neck in an accident in July. He is still at the Muelmed Rehabilitation Centre in Pretoria.

His son, Victor, designed the new Rollers’ Route to encourage his father and all those who suddenly find themselves in a position where they lose hope.

There is a three-, five- and 10-km hiking trail to choose from, a 25-km mountain bike trail and the Rollers’ Route of one kilometre. Wear something blue to the event to show you are an Ambassador of Hope and afterwards enjoy delicious Dutch fare in Van Gaalen’s bistro restaurant, or order a picnic basket.

The entry fee for the 10-km hike is R100, R60 for the five-kilometre hike and R40 for the three-kilometre hike. The 25-km bike route is R100. Wheelchair users can participate for free, but should confirm their attendance via info@vangaalen.co.za.

Submit entries via the website www.iqela-events.co.za. All entry fees go to the Depression Research Fund of the Ithemba Foundation. Registration starts at 06.30. For further enquiries contact the organisers at entries@iqela-events.co.za.

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