Preventative care for your power chair

Rolling Inspiration
7 Min Read

 Regular maintenance on your power wheelchair can make it possible for you to use it for many years to come

Surprisingly, most wheelchairs are meant to be used for only a couple of years. Yet, many wheelchair users keep their chairs for a couple of decades. Simply put, chairs are expensive, so most opt to care for their chairs as best as possible to avoid having to replace it.

As veteran wheelchair user Ellah Zulu said during an interview in 2021: “For new wheelchair users, I would advise them to love their wheels as it is the only form of vehicle to assist in moving around.”

Fortunately, with some preventative care and regular maintenance, it is possible for your wheelchair to remain in a good working condition for many years to come. Key to this is regular inspections of your chair, keeping it clean and having it serviced by qualified professionals. To make the maintenance of your power wheelchair easy, we’ve provided a little checklist.

If any issues arise while inspecting your wheelchair, be sure to contact the manufacturer of the chair or battery to have the issue resolved. It is not advised to attempt to fix your chair on your own unless you have the required skills and knowledge.



Wipe down your chair with a damp cloth. Be sure to dry the chair and avoid any electronics. If you were in the rain or drove through water, be sure to wipe down your chair as soon as you get home. Leave it in a warm spot so that the rest of the water can evaporate.

Shrouds (plastic covers)

Check for any holes, marks or breaks in the plastic covering on your chair. Lightly jiggle the shrouds to make sure nothing has come lose.


Do a daily test of your brakes. If you have not needed to break during the day, there is a test that can assist in determining whether the brakes are working correctly. Turn down the speed on your chair, push the joystick forward until you hear the brakes click and immediately release the joystick or put it in reverse.

Motor noise

While it might seem difficult to spot an odd motor noise from your wheelchair, daily use will help you distinguish the normal from abnormal sounds. If your chair is second-hand, be sure to have it inspected by a professional to make sure their aren’t any strange sounds. Increased motor noise could indicate worn bearings, misaligned belts or gears, and even frame problems.



It is worthwhile giving your chair a proper clean every or every second week. To do so, use warm water with a little soap. Avoid the electronics. These can just be wiped down with a damp cloth. Pay close attention to the upholstery, frame and moving parts where dust and debris can get stuck. Tweezers or a toothbrush can be used to remove debris and clean in smaller spaces such as the caster axles.

Tyre pressure

Check your tyre pressure by firmly pushing down on the tyre. If it gives more than 5 mm, it is necessary to add air. This can be done with a bicycle pump.


While you will most likely have to charge your battery on a daily basis, it is worthwhile giving your battery a “maintenance charge” once or twice a week. This is when you charge your battery for a full 14 hours. Be sure to read the recommended charge time as provided by the battery manufacturer.


Nuts and bolts

Check whether there are any loose bolts or nuts and whether any are missing. These can be tightened at home. Be careful to not overtighten the bolts as this could strip the part, which makes it difficult to remove or replace it.


Check the frame of your chair for any holes, bends, damage to the weld points, cracks or rust.


Inspect the wear on your tyres. If the tread depth is low, it is time to replace your tyre. Also check for any cuts, holes or bubbles (bulges in the tyre) that can cause damage.


Inspect the armrest and back support for any rips, tears or stretched material. Look for any metal sticking through the upholstery. Check that the armrests are securely fastened.

Foot support

While there are a range of foot supports, it is always a good idea to check that the support functions as it should (for example, it can be moved if it is a swivel foot support) and whether there are any loose pins or bolts.


Check the stick and rubber at its base for any damage. Move your joystick and release it to see if it returns to its neutral position. For general preventative care, be sure to keep your joystick dry. Consider wrapping it in plastic when travelling in the rain and use a hair dryer to dry it if it gets wet.



Every three or so months, it is important to check whether the suspension on your chair is still sufficient as it will ensure a more comfortable drive. Check for any cracks on the paint or leaking fluid. Listen for any noise from your chair when driving over rougher terrain (for example a speed bump).



It is recommended to have your wheelchair serviced by the wheelchair manufacturer or a qualified profession every year or every second year depending on how frequently you use it.

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