Rolling Inspiration

Rolling Inspiration

887 Articles

Membership Fees Must Fall

In an effort to be more inclusive, the QuadPara Association of South…

Rolling Inspiration

Carving space for artists with disabilities

Pinky Khotsholo is on a mission to set the stage for artists…

Rolling Inspiration

Life lessons from the Remarkable Mats

Through his gaming, Mats Steen was able to touch the lives as…

Rolling Inspiration

Share your public transport experience

The Department of Transport is conducting a survey on the accessibility of…

Rolling Inspiration

OCC to return in March

After nearly cancelling the 2025 Outeniqua Chair Challenge (OCC) due to a…

Rolling Inspiration

Final effort to save the 2025 OCC Race

In middle January, the organisers of the annual Outeniqua Chair Challenge (OCC)…

Rolling Inspiration

Search for singers and rappers with disabilities

Hip Hop Saves Lives are calling all singers and rappers with disabilities…

Rolling Inspiration

Discounted Airport Parking for people with disabilities

Three of the major airports in South Africa have made accommodations for…

Rolling Inspiration

SFF key partner in mobilising QASA members

The Strategic Fuel Fund (SFF) has been a key strategic partner for…

Rolling Inspiration