Ramcat Fishing hosts various events throughout the year to encourage people with disabilities to fish. On Saturday, September 8, it held a Ramcat Fishing Day in Irene, which QASA Chairperson Norman Wright attended.
He reported back: “Wow, what a well-run and pleasant day. I had a great time and the event was exclusively for people with disabilities. The winner was Justin Ware, who had his wife, Lenie, on hand to assist him.”
Gerard “Yster” Smal is the organiser of the annual fishing day, which was founded six years ago. “We were looking for a venue in Pretoria. We were already fishing in Durban, but the guys in Gauteng found it difficult to travel the long distance. The inspiration to do it came from pure love and empathy,” he explains.
The venue for the Ramcat Fishing Day is carefully selected to ensure that it is accessible. Wheelchair-friendly toilets are hired for easy access. While the event is mainly focused on wheelchair users, people with all disabilities are welcome. Smal says that the feedback from participants has been hugely positive.
“Some learn a new skill in an outdoors activity, others get the opportunity to socialise, to share stories with and advise other wheelchair users on various subjects, from correct posture and preventing pressure sores to personal matters,” he says.
You can join in at the next Ramcat Fishing Day, to be held in Durban in the second week of July, 2019. For more information, contact Gerard at ystersmal@gmail.com or at 081 754 8144.