Flying the coop

Rolling Inspiration
3 Min Read

For wheelchair users who want to leave their family home but are not quite ready to live on their own, there are some alternative housing options

There are various reasons to consider assisted living or self-help centres, whether it is to gain better access to education or the formal labour market, because the family home can’t be adapted or to access 24-hour care. Fortunately, there are numerous options.

Once you’ve made the decision to look for alternative options, carefully consider what you hope to get out of the living arrangement. Do you simply want to move out of your family home? Do you require full-time assistance? This will determine the kind of housing you can look at.

Independent living

Ann Harding Cheshire Home in Northwold, Johannesburg, is introducing independent living cottages that function in a similar way as a retirement village. A wheelchair user purchases a two-bedroom, two-bathroom cottage for R1,79 million that can be used as the buyer wants. The second bedroom, for example, can be rented out or could house a caregiver.

The houses are fully wheelchair accessible and encourages completely independent living. When the wheelchair user moves, the property is sold, with the original investment and 25 percent of any profit returned to the seller. While it is an opportunity to invest in property, you are not required to purchase it in cash. For more information contact LPB Projects on 082 338 3416 or

Self-help centres

QASA established various self-help centres that essentially offer communal living for wheelchair users, with accommodation, meals, transport and care attendants provided. The residents are responsible for funding and managing the centre, including hiring staff, as a collective.

These centres are meant to give people with disabilities a stepping stone to purchasing their own homes. There is a total of 15 centres across South Africa. For more information, visit

Assisted living

For individuals who require a more intensive level of care, there are several assisted living facilities to consider. Below are some of the options.

Assisted living centre


Phone number

Cluny Farm Centre


011 702 1690

Cresset House


011 314 1148

Huis Cornelius – Siyabonga

Western Cape

022 713 5730

Lake Farm Centre

Eastern Cape

041 379 1555

Leonard Cheshire Homes


011 792 3510

Nazareth Care


011 648 1002

Robertson House

Western Cape

021 551 3780/6

Woodside Special Care Centre

Western Cape

021 696 2811

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