The Disability Steward Qualification is an initiative of the QuadPara Association of South Africa (QASA). QASA completed a scoping workshop, and the standards for writing and formulating modules are being put in place.
Industry representatives and the disability sector have been invited to assist QASA make headway. Here’s what it’s all about!
Why the Disability Steward Qualification was started
The airlines, airports, and tourism, transport and other related services provided by government and the corporate sector are often less helpful than they could be, as many of the staff are not used to interacting with people with disabilities.
The Disability Steward Qualification will help people working in these sectors to understand the circumstances and needs of persons with disabilities – how to work and interact with them and to understand disability legislation. This will provide best practice service for the public as well as give new career opportunities to people who want to work within the service industry.
Who would be interested?
Anyone, including school leavers, working in the tourism, hospitality and transport sectors who would like to enhance their knowledge of people with disabilities in order to offer the best possible service to all their customers. The qualification will offer them an opportunity to receive accreditation for their knowledge.
Who will benefit?
Everyone! The qualification will provide new career opportunities for anyone who has a passion and interest in the tourism industry, but might not have received formal schooling.
People with disabilities will be treated in a more dignified, safe and empowering way. There will be less discrimination in these industries. The tourism industry will also be able to offer world-class service to all customers.
To learn more about the qualification and how you can get involved, contact QASA at 031 767 0348 or at 031 767-0352.