The job market can be very intimidating. MARISKA MORRIS investigates ways to find and apply for your dream job
In the age of interconnectedness and information, it can be easier than ever to find your dream job. However, it also makes it much more challenging to shift through all the information to find a career that suits you. Fortunately, there are ways to make it easier for yourself.
Finding the right job opening
Arguably one of the most challenging aspects of a job hunt is finding companies that are hiring. Fortunately, a simple internet search can put you onto various websites where job openings are advertised, for example, Bizcommunity, Career24, Indeed.
If you would like to work at a specific company, you can visit their website to see if they are advertising any positions. Most larger companies have job listings on their website. Alternatively, you can phone these companies to speak with the recruitment officer. They might be able to provide more information on whether there are positions vacant.
Once on one of these sites, you can narrow down the search by completing the filters at the very top of the page. Specify, for example, for what job you are searching (for example, copywriter, accountant or admin assistant) and where you would like to be based (province and country).
Check the requirements
When the job listings appear, be sure to go through each listing to ensure that you meet the
company criteria. In some cases, you can still apply even if you don’t meet all the criteria. For example, the company might require four years’ experience when you only have three.
If there are more than one or two criteria that you don’t meet, avoid applying. You are less likely to be asked to an interview.
Submitting your CV
Some website require CVs to be submitted through the site. However, if you are provided with the recruitment officer’s details, be sure to indicate in the subject line for what position you are applying. In the body of the message, you can indicate where you saw the position advertised and when.
Some companies directly request for a cover letter. If they don’t, consider adding one. A cover letter can be a great opportunity to motivate your reason for applying, stating why you would be a good fit for the company and how you are qualified for the position.
Benefits of social media
The social media platform, LinkedIn, can be a great professional resource. You can find job opportunities on the site, follow industry leaders and promote yourself by sharing your professional achievements, skills and more.
However, be careful of what you post on this and other social media platforms as recruitment officers might visit your social media accounts to learn more about you.