Issue 2 2021

Latest Issue 2 2021

Boosting: Risking lives to stroke egos

The practice of self-induced Autonomic Dysreflexia or Boosting is illegal, but also extremely dangerous. GEORGE LOUW investigates Since the beginning…

George Louw
All Issue 2 2021

Addressing partner trauma after an SCI

A spinal cord injury and its aftermath can be very traumatic for…

Danie Breedt

Prosthesis only the tip of the iceberg

For HEINRICH GRIMSEHL rehabilitation is much more than simply fitting a patient…

Heinrich Grimsehl

Finding that dream job

The job market can be very intimidating. MARISKA MORRIS investigates ways to…

Rolling Inspiration

Ownership and BBBEE

RUSTIM ARIEFDIEN explains how the ownership element can benefit people with disabilities…

Rustim ariefdien

Maintenance to keep your chair happy

With a little attention and love, you can add years of use…

Rolling Inspiration

We are what we eat

Are you a Rolls-Royce or a City Golf? JOY DUFFIELD shares how…

Joy Duffield

Accessible home learning

EMMA MCKINNEY provides some tips on how to make an environment more…

Emma McKinney

Rising stars set their sights on the Toyota SASAPD Nationals

The 2021 Toyota South African Sports Association for the Physically Disabled (SASAPD)…

Rolling Inspiration

Hate you, COVID!

COVID has devasted many families and individual lives. LEON FLEISER shares how…

Leon Fleiser