Phillip Thompson passes

Rolling Inspiration
2 Min Read

At the end of May, Phillip Thompson passed away. He was a trailblazer in accessibility and universal design. He was the principal member of the IDC Consultants Group – a consulting network that offers a range of services including social upliftment and development, architecture, universal design and universal access. The Group has formed an initiative with other Universal Design experts in South Africa, to promote the concept of Universal design in Africa called UD Africa.

Those close to him write:

The world lost a hero … Our hero and a hero to so many. Our beloved husband, father and grandfather passed away yesterday morning, a warrior to the very last second. He fought harder than any human being should have to fight in one lifetime. He lived life to the fullest despite all the obstacles he had to overcome. His trailblazing work in the accessibility and universal design space lives on. And his strength, bravery, kindness and positive spirit have and will always be an inspiration to so many. We will be lost without him, but are also so grateful he can finally fly free.

We thank Phillip for all the work he did to improve the lives of others, and send our condolences to friends and family. May you find strength and comfort during this difficult time.

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1 Comment
  • Sharing my condolences for the passing of Phillip Thompson. He truly was a remarkable person and a dedicated expert in universal design. May his soul rest in peace.

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