Qaphela Dlamini graduated from the University of Zululand in 2012. In 2020, he was promoted to the department head for intermediate phase at KwaZamokuhle Special School. In 2022, he won the National Teaching Award for excellence in special needs teaching in both KwaZulu-Natal and Nationally. He was invited to speak at the 2023 Basic Education Sector Lekgotla, held by the Department of Basic Education.
“The reason I enjoy being an educator is that I want to motivate pupils with special needs to focus more on education and not to lose hope,” Qaphela shares. “Persons with disabilities must prioritise education so that we will be able to overcome the challenges that we are currently facing.”
He continues: “I wanted to express my thanks for the success in 2022 National Teaching Awards. I would like to sincerely thank Mr Esoup uThukela District Teacher support, Miss WB Ndima, our Loskop circuit manager, the principal of Kwa Zamokuhle Special School, Mrs TV Mazibuko from Amahlubi High School and my fellow colleagues at Kwa Zamokuhle Special School.”
“Their proper guidance and support has led me to get first position in excellence in special needs teaching. I would really like to honour other people with disabilities with this award,” Qaphela concludes.
Congratulations to Qaphela for these prestigious awards. We look forward to see what he does next.
I look forward to hearing about many more of your successes.
Best wishes for more successes in the future. You have my full and complete confidence.
Keep up the good work,
I wish you all the best in your future endeavors Mr Professor Dlamini, so proud of you
Amazing if one of us is winning we all winning am inspired